Beneficial Predators Fight Garden Pests

May 11, 2017

Beneficial Predators Fight Garden Pests

May 11, 2017

You're probably familiar with lady beetles (aka lady bugs), common beneficial insect predators that prey on aphids and other soft-bodied insects. However, lady beetles are not the only beneficial predators that can be found in your garden and landscape.

Other “natural enemies” such as assassin bugs, minute pirate bugs, lacewings, predatory wasps, spiders, and predaceous ground beetles attack and kill pests. In some cases, both the adults and larvae are predators. It's important to recognize the different life stages of these beneficial predators so you know they are helping control pests and not attacking your plants.

Protect beneficials and attract more of them to your garden by avoiding using certain pesticides that can kill them, and choosing plants that provide pollen, nectar and shelter. You'll also want to keep ants out of pest-infested plants—ants protect their food source (honeydew from some pests) and will fight off beneficials.

You can see more photos of beneficial predators in the UC IPM Natural Enemies Gallery and on the Beneficial Predators Quick Tip.