EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT :: Herbicide Calibration Workshops

Aug 5, 2015

Just got this from the UC weed scientists in southern California--looks like a good event.




Please forward this message to any person or crew leader who will be using herbicides to treat weeds this fall. 


The University of California Cooperative Extension will be conducting two Herbicide Calibration Workshops, one in Riverside and one in Irvine, to improve management of weeds in wildlands, nature preserves, parks, riparian areas, roadsides and other semi-natural areas. An agenda is attached.


We have applied for 4.5 hours of California DPR CE credits including 0.5 hours of laws and regulations.


The Riverside course will be held September 3, 2015. To register, click this link: 



The Irvine course will be held September 10, 2015. To register, click this link: 



The courses are $30 each if you register before the 24th of August and $40 after. This price includes lunch! 


The workshop will feature talks on herbicide safety and calibration basics and then hands-on demonstrations of calibration techniques in the field. Locations are on the agenda.


You are also encouraged to bring your own application equipment (triple rinsed, of course) and calibrate it in our demonstration area.


Thanks and see you soon,


Chris McDonald

By Travis Bean
Contact - Assistant Weed Science Specialist in Cooperative Extension
By Chris McDonald
Contact - Inland and Desert Natural Resources Advisor
By Gale Perez
Posted by - Public Education Specialist

Attached Files: