Hanson receives award for Outstanding New Academic

Jul 28, 2016

Here's something from the UC Davis Dept. of Plant Sciences: http://news.plantsciences.ucdavis.edu/2016/07/27/brad-hanson-receives-award-for-outstanding-new-academic/.


Brad Hanson receives award for Outstanding New Academic

Brad Hanson, a UC Cooperative Extension specialist in the Department of Plant Sciences at UC Davis, received the 2015–2016 UC ANR Distinguished Service Award for Outstanding New Academic.

The award recognizes outstanding accomplishments by UCCE academics who have worked in UC Cooperative Extension for less than 10 years and recognizes outstanding beginnings in UCCE for academic excellence; contributions to the UC Cooperative Extension mission through university and public service; creation of an innovative extension research program; and identified impact and outcomes in extension and research efforts. Hanson began his position as the UC Weed Science specialist in 2009.

According to David Doll, a UCCE farm advisor in Merced County who nominated Hanson, “He has made exceptional contributions to the farmers and research community in weed management strategies for perennial nut crop orchards and herbicide resistant populations. He has a high level of technical expertise, tempered with a good understanding of the pressures facing California farmers, and a great, down to earth attitude that makes him a great collaborator.” Doll noted that Hanson's field day trials and research routinely benefit farmers across California.

Since joining UC Davis, Brad Hanson has published 57 peer-reviewed articles and more than 100 abstracts and commodity reports. He delivers over 30 presentations a year. Doll said that growers comment on Hanson's knowledge, ease of delivery, and his depth of expertise in weed management and herbicide selection and usage.

Hanson also has shown significant university service, including the UC ANR Communications Advisory Board, faculty chair of the UC Davis Plant Sciences Field Facility Committee, the Specialist Advisory Committee in the UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, and Vice Chair for Outreach and Extension in the Department of Plant Sciences at UC Davis.

Brad Hanson is a member of the California Weed Science Society, the Western Society of Weed Science, and the Weed Science Society of America, and has held leadership positions therein. He is a major professor to graduate students, and supervises postdoctoral researchers and staff at UC Davis.

Brad Hanson

Media contact:
Ann Filmer, Department of Plant Sciences, UC Davis, afilmer@ucdavis.edu, 530-754-6788

Brad Hanson and Clyde Elmore on the cover of "CA&ES Outlook" magazine, UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

Brad Hanson and Clyde Elmore on the cover of “CA&ES Outlook” magazine, UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

By Gale Perez
Posted by - Public Education Specialist