Two 'Streaks on a Sedum

Sep 25, 2013

Two 'streaks on a sedum.

Sounds like a song, doesn't it?

Actually there were two gray hairstreaks (Strymon melinus) on a sedum today in the Häagen-Dazs Honey Bee Haven, a half-acre bee friendly garden on Bee Biology Road, University of California, Davis.

Make that two 'streaks and a honey bee.

In a way, the butterflies, with their sails up, looked like the America's Cup contestants. Yes, Oracle Team USA streaked by Emirates Team New Zealand by 44 seconds today to win the 34th America's Cup. 

Sports enthusiasts called it the greatest comeback in 162 years of competition. The Oracle was down by 8-2 and then won eight consecutive races to win The Cup.

Meanwhile, the gray hairstreaks just kept foraging on the sedum, while the honey bee cast a wary eye.