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Elizabeth J Fichtner

Farm Advisor
Cooperative Extension Tulare County
4437-B S. Laspina St.
Tulare, CA 93274
(559) 684-3310
ejfichtner@ucanr.edu Create VCard

Also in:
Kings County


Ph.D. Plant Pathology and Soil Science, North Carolina State University. 2003
M.S. Plant Pathology and Soil Science, North Carolina State University. 2000
B.S. Plant Science, Cornell University. 1997


Orchard Systems

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Holland, L.A., Trouillas, F.P., Nouri, M.T., Lawrence, D.P., Crespo, M., Doll, D.A., Duncan, R., Holtz, B.A., Culumber, C.M., Yaghmour, M., Niederholzer, F., Lightle, D., Jarvis-Shean, K.S., Gordon, P., Fichtner, E.J. 2021. Fungal Pathogens Associated with Canker Diseases of Almond in California. PDIS-10-19-2128-RE.

  • Fichtner, E.J., Chao, Y.Y., Ferguson, L., Verreyene, J.S., Tang, L., Lovatt, C.J. 2021 Repeating cycles of ON and OFF yields in alternate bearing olive, pistachio and citrus trees— Different mechanisms, common solutions. Acta Horticulture. 1315.1

  • Vereecke, D., Fichtner, E.J., Lambert, P.Q., Cooke, P., Kilcrease, J., Stamler, R.A., Zhang, Y., Francis, I. M., Randall, J.J. 2020. Colonization and survival capacities underlying the multifaceted life of Rhodococcus sp. PBTS1 and PBTS2. Plant Pathology DOI: 10.1111/ppa.13307.

  • Dhaouadi, S., Mougou, A.H., Gleason, M. L., Rhouma, A., Fichtner, E.J. 2019. Rhodococcus spp. alter plant development of Euonymus japonicus ‘Aureus’ (Japanese spindle) in Tunisia. Plant Disease 104:  1250.

  • Haviland, D.R., Yaghmour, M., Fichtner, E.J., Sanden, B.L., Culumber, M., Viveros, M., Stewart, D., Sumner, D. 2019. Sample Costs to Establish and Orchard and Produce Almonds. San Joaquin Valley South. www.coststudies.ucdavis.edu

  • Browne, G. Ott, N., Fichtner, E.J. 2019. First report of Phytopythium helicoides causing root rot on rootstock for stone fruits and nuts in California. Plant Disease.103:2968.

  • Dhaouadi, S., Mougou, A.H., Fichtner, E. J., Bahri, B. A., Rhouma, A. 2019. First report of Rhodococcus spp. isolates causing stunting and lateral stem proliferation of Iresine herbstii ‘Aureo-Reticulata’ in Tunisia. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 58:391-394.

  • Randall, J.J., Stamler, R.A., Kallsen, C., Fichtner, E.J., Heerema, R.J., Cooke, P., Francis, I.M. 2018. Comment on “Evolutionary transitions between beneficial and phytopathogenic Rhodococcus challenge disease management.” eLife 2018;7:e35272

  • Moosavi-Mahvelati, N., Archer, L. F., Marino, G., Fichtner, E., Ferguson, L. 2018. Pistachio inflorescence bud abscission dynamics as a function of embryo weight, crop load and vegetative growth. Acta Hort 1229:349-354.

  • Fichtner, E.J.; Kallsen, C.; Blomquist, C.L. (2016). "First report of crown rot caused by Phytophthora parsiana on pistachio in the southern San Joaquin Valley, California." Plant Disease 100: 1795.
  • Fichtner, E.J.; Browne, G.T.; Mortaz, M.; Ferguson, L.; Blomquist, C.L. (2016). "First report of root rot caused by Phytopythium helicoides on pistachio rootstock in California." Plant Disease 100: 2337.
  • Stamler, R.A.; Kilcrease, J.; Kallsen, C.; Fichtner, E.J.; Cooke, P.; Heerema, R.J.; Randall, J.J. (2015). "First Report of Rhodococcus isolates causing Pistachio Bushy Top Syndrome on ‘UCB-1’ rootstock in California and Arizona." Plant Disease 99: 1468-1476.
  • Chen, S.; Fichtner, E.; Morgan, D.; Michailides, T. (2013). "First Report of Lasiodiplodia citricola and Neoscytalidium dimidiatum Causing Death of Graft Union of English Walnut in California." Plant Disease 97: 993.
  • Chen, S.; Fichtner, W.; Morgan, D.; Michailides, T. (2013). "First Report of Lasiodiplodia citricola and Neoscytalidium dimidiatum Causing Death of Graft Union of English Walnut in California." Plant Disease 97: 993.
  • Fichtner, E.; Johnson, M. (2012). Black Scale. Pest Note.
  • Fichtner, E.; Rizzo, D.; Kirk, S.; Webber, J. (2012). "Infectivity and sporulation of Phytophthora kernoviae to select North American native plants." Plant Pathology 61: 224-233.
  • Davidson, J.; Patterson, H.; Wickland, A.; Fichtner, E.; Rizzo, D. (2011). "Forest type influences transmission of Phytophthora ramorum in California oak woodlands." Phytopathology 101: 492-501.
  • Fichtner, E. (2011). Olive Knot. Pest Note.
  • Fichtner, E. (2011). Olive Knot. Pest Note.
  • Fichtner, E.; Rizzo, D.; Kirk, S.; Webber, J. (2011). "Root infections may challenge management of invasive Phytophthora species in UK woodlands." Plant Disease 95: 13-18.
  • Swiecki, T.; Bernhardt, E.; Garbelotto, M.; Fichtner, E. (2011). The exotic plant pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi: A major threat to rare Arctostaphylos and much more. California Native Plant Society Conservation Conference.
  • Tjosvold, S.; Chambers, D.; Fichtner, E.; Koike, S.; Mori, S. (2009). "Disease risk of soil infested with Phytophthora ramorum under nursery conditions." Plant Disease 93: 371-376.
  • Fichtner, E.; Lynch, S.; Rizzo, D. (2009). "Survival, dispersal, and soil-mediated suppression of Phytophthora ramorum in a California redwood-tanoak forest." Phytopathology 99: 608-619.
  • Fichtner, E.; Lynch, S.; Rizzo, D. (2007). "Detection, distribution, survival, and sporulation of Phytophthora ramorum in a California redwood-tanoak forest soil." Phytopathology 97: 1366-1375.
  • Rizzo, D.; Fichtner, E. (2007). Phytophthora in Forests and Natural Ecosystems of the Americas. Fourth Workshop of IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) Working Party on Phytophthora in Forests and Natural Ecosystems, Monterey, CA.
  • Fichtner, E.; Rizzo, D.; Lynch, S.; Davidson, J.; Buckles, G.; Parke, J. (2007). Survival and chlamydospore production of Phytophthora ramorum in California bay laurel leaves. Fourth Workshop of IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) Working Party on Phytophthora in Forests and Natural Ecosystems, Monterey, CA.
  • Shew, H.; Fichtner, E.; Benson, D. (2006). Aluminum: Soil Chemistry, Rhizotoxicity, and Pathogen Inhibition. Mineral Nutrition and Plant Disease. APS Press.
  • Fichtner, E.; Hesterberg, D.; Smyth, T.; Shew, H. (2006). "Differential sensitivity of Thielaviopsis basicola and Phytophthora parasitica to monomeric aluminum species." Phytopathology 96: 212-220.
  • Fichtner, E.; Benson, D.; Diab, H.; Shew, H. (2004). "Incorporation of abiotic and biological suppression of Phytophthora parasitica into a horticultural medium containing composted swine waste." Phytopathology 94: 780-788.
  • Fichtner, E.; Lynch, S.; Rizzo, D. (2004). Survival of Phytophthora ramorum in infected leaf tissue at the soil surface in a tanoak-redwood forest. Third Workshop of IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) Working Party 7.02.09 on Phytophthora in Forests and Natural Ecosystems, Freising, Germany.
  • Fichtner, E.; Hesterberg, D.; Shew, H. (2001). "Chemical and physical suppression of Phytophthora parasitica in peat containing organically complexed aluminum." Phytopathology 91: 1092-1097.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Fichtner, E.J. (In Press). UC ANR Set to Host Statewide Pistachio Day, Tri-County Walnut Day and Plant and Soil Conference in Early 2024. Tulare County Farm Bureau.
  • Fichtner, E.J. (In Press). UCANR Releases Updated Cost and Return Studies for Prune and Walnut in the SSJV. Tulare County Farm Bureau Newsletter.
  • Crawford, C. and Fichtner (2023). ‘UC Wolfskill’, a New Walnut Variety. UCCE Newsletter.
  • Fichtner, E.J. (2023). 2023. El reciclaje de huertos enteros es algo común en Ivanhoe y elgran condado de Tulare. Whole Orchard Recycling a Common Sight in Ivanhoe and greater Tulare County. Ivanhoe Sol and UCCE Blog. Published in English and Spanish.
  • Fichtner, E.J. (2023). 2023. Soil survival, root infectivity, and management of Rhodococcus spp. causing pistachio bushy top syndrome. Report to the California Pistachio Research Board. Report to the California Pistachio Research Board.
  • Fichtner, E.J. (2023). 2023. Treatment options for management of walnut scale and frosted scale. UCCE Newsletter; West Coast Nut Magazine.
  • Fichtner, E.J. (2023). 2023. UC ANR Hosts Horticultural Symposia Covering Olives, Almond, and Pistachio in 2023. T. ulare and Kings County Farm Bureau Newsletter.
  • Lovatt, C.; Fichtner, E. (2023). Alternate bearing in olive- Mitigation with properly timed foliar-applied naphthaleneacetic acid or pruning. International Society for Horticultural Science IX International Olive Symposium.
  • B. Lampinen, M. Culumber (2023). Alternative training systems for pistachio. International Society for Horticultural Sciences, VIII International Symposium for Almonds and Pistachios, Davis, CA. ISHS Almond and Pistachio Symposium.
  • Fichtner, E.J. (2023). Efficacy of Delayed-dormant and Crawler Stage Applications of Insect Growth Regulators for Management of Walnut Scale. Industry Report to Nichino, UPL, and Valent Crop Sciences.
  • Fichtner, E.J. (2023). Efficacy of Delayed-dormant and Crawler Stage Applications of Insect Growth Regulators for Management of Walnut Scale. Industry Report to Nichino, UPL, and Valent Crop Sciences.
  • Fichtner, E.; Crawford, C. (2023). February orchard activities anticipated in the Ivanhoe area.
  • J.J. Randall, LJ Grauke (2023). Genetic Diversity of Carya illinoinensis Across its Native Range. International Society for Horticultural Science, IX International Walnut and Pecan Symposium in Grenoble, France.
  • J. Hasey, L. Milliron (2023). Horticultural field performance of new putative resistant walnut rootstock genotypes compared to seedling Paradox and standard clonal Paradox rootstocks. International Society for Horticultural Science, IX International Walnut and Pecan Symposium in Grenoble, France.
  • Zuber, Cameron; Fichtner, Elizabeth (2023). How late is too late for winter NOW sanitation? UCCE In a Nutshell. February 1.
  • Zuber, C. (2023). How late is too late for winter sanitation of almonds? West Coast Nut electronic newsletter; UCCE Newsletter, UCCE SJV Website.
  • Fichtner, E.J. (2023). In-season and Long-term Impacts of Flooding and Excessive Rain on Orchards. West Coast Nut Magazine.
  • Lovatt, C (2023). Integrating Alternate Bearing Mitigation Strategies in a Commercial Table Olive Orchard. Report to the California Olive Committee. California Olive Committee-Report.
  • Fichtner, E. (2023). January Walnut Orchard Tasks. Pacific Nut Producer.
  • Fichtner, E.J. (2023). Los huertos de almendros están floreciendo zumbando y en esta época del año (Almond orchards are blooming and buzzing this time of year). Ivanhoe Sol. Published in both English and Spanish.
  • Fichtner, E.J. (2023). Managing Alternate Bearing in Olive with Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) and Pruning. Report to the California Olive Committee. Report to the California Olive Committee.
  • Fichtner, E.J. Baldwin (2023). Pistachio Orchard Tasks for April. Pacific Nut Producer.
  • Fichtner, E.J. (2023). Spring marks the time of pollen shed in Ivanhoe’s olive and walnut orchards. Ivanhoe Sol. La primavera marca el momento de la liberación de polen en los huertos de olivos y nogales de Ivanhoe. Published in English and Spanish. Ivanhoe Sol.
  • Fichtner, E.J. (2023). SSJV Orchard Systems Impacted by Rain and Flooding. UCCE Newsletter; UCCE Blog. UCCE Newsletter; UCCE Blog.
  • Randall, J.J. (2023). Trees of the Future Developing geographic and climate adapted pecan trees. Georgia Pecan.
  • Fichtner, E.J. (2023). Understanding the 2023 Olive Crop Failure in the Southern San Joaquin Valley. Ivanhoe Sol, published in English and Spanish.
  • Fichtner, E., Crawford, C. 2022. January Walnut Orchard Tasks. Pacific Nut Producer.

  • Fichtner, E. (2022). April Pistachio Orchard Tasks. Pacific Nut Producer.
  • Culumber, M. (2022). Evaluating new training systems for pistachio. Report to California Pistachio Research Board.
  • Lampinen, B. (2022). Evaluating new training systems for pistachio. Reports to California Pistachio Research Board. California Pistachio Research Board.
  • Fichtner, E.J. (2022). Impacts of Heading Height at Planting on Growth Dynamics of Juglans regia ‘Ivanhoe’. American Society for Horticultural Sciences. Chicago, IL (poster).
  • Lovatt, C. Fichtner (2022). Managing Alternate Bearing in Olive with Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) and Pruning. Report to California Olive Committee.
  • Westphal, A. (2022). Pre- and post- plant remedies for nematode infestations of walnut orchards. Research Reports, Walnut Board of California.
  • Fichtner, E. (2022). This winter, what’s going on in the orchards around Ivanhoe? Ivanhoe Sol.
  • Fichtner, E.J. Silva-del Rio (2022). Tulare County Orchard Systems Program Hosts Dairy Scientists for Cross-Disciplinary Dialogue. UCCE Blog. UCCE Blogs.
  • Fichtner, E.J. (2022). UC ANR Academics Partner with Ag Marketers to Enhance Extension of Nut Production Research. UCCE Blog. UCCE Blogs.
  • Crawford, C.; Fichtner, E. (2022). UCCE Partners with Department of Water Resources to Post Timely Crop Water Use Estimates To Aid Growers With Irrigation Scheduling. Tulare and Kings County Farm Bureau Newsletter.
  • Crawford, C. and Fichtner (2022). UCCE Partners with Department of Water Resources to Post Timely Crop Water Use Estimates To Aid Growers With Irrigation Scheduling. UCCE Blog. UCCE Blogs.
  • Fichtner, E. (2022). Virtual Statewide Walnut Series and Statewide Pistachio Day Presentations Available Online. UCCE In a Nutshell.
  • Elizabeth Fichtner, Dani Lightle (2022). Walnut Scale: an insidious pest of walnut in California. West Coast Nut; UCCE In a Nutshell.
  • Fichtner, E.J (2022). Walnut Scale: an insidious pest of walnut in California. UCCE blog. UCCE Blogs.
  • Lampinen, B., Culumber, M., Fichtner, E., Gordon, P., Jarvis-Shean, K., Ferguson, L., Metcalf, S., Contador, L., Nguyen, T., Syverson, D., Reyes, H. 2021. Evaluating new training systems for pistachio. Report to the California Pistachio Research Board.

  • Westphal, A., Jarvis-Shean, K., Fichtner, E., Nouri, M. 2021. Pre- and Post-plant remedies for nematode infestations of walnut orchards. Report to the California Walnut Board.

  • Lovatt, C., Fichtner, E.J. 2021. Managing Alternate Bearing in Olive with Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) and Pruning. Report to the California Olive Committee.

  • Fichtner, E. 2020. UCCE Tulare County rapidly adjusting extension efforts to dynamic clientele communities in the wake of Covid-19. Tulare County Farm Bureau Newsletter

  • Fichtner, E. 2021. Pistachio Rootstocks. Growing the Valley Podcast.

  • Fichtner, E. 2021. Winter Chilling of Pistachio: Consequences of Low Chill and Implementation of Online Chill Calculators. West Coast Nut Magazine (January 2022), UCCE Newsletter, UCCE SJV Website.

  • Fichtner, E. 2021. Online Chill Accumulation Calculators Available on UC Fruit and Nut Research and Information Center (FNRIC) Website. Tulare Farm Bureau Newsletter.

  • Fichtner, E. 2021. Fall 2020 caused cold injury on walnut in Tulare and Kings Counties.  UCCE newsletter, UCCE SJV Website.

  • Ehsani, R., Krueger, Rosecrance, R., Fichtner, E.J., Ferguson, L. Progress in Developing Mechanical Harvesting for California Black Ripe ‘Manzanillo’ Table Olives. 2021. UCCE Newsletters: Olive Notes, Topics in Subtropics.

  • Ehsani, R., Krueger, Rosecrance, R., Fichtner, E.J., Ferguson, L. Progress in Developing Mechanical Harvesting for California Black Ripe ‘Manzanillo’ Table Olives. 2021. UCCE Newsletters: Olive Notes, Topics in Subtropics.

  • Fichtner, E. 2021. Olive nitrogen management. Growing the Valley Podcast.

  • Fichtner, E. 2021. Walnut bloom dynamics. Growing the Valley Podcast.

  • Fichtner, E. 2021. Supplemental pollination of almond. Growing the Valley Podcast.

  • Fichtner, E. 2021. UCCE Tulare County Supports Farm Bureau Initiative to Promote AG Literacy Using Virtual Technologies. Tulare County Farm Bureau Newsletter.

  • Fichtner, E. 2021. Developing a nitrogen fertilizer plan for olive orchards. Progressive Crop Consultant, Topics in Subtropics Blog and newsletter, UCCE SJV Website.

  • Fichtner, E. 2021. Budbreak, Bloom, and Pollination Events Mark the Start of the Walnut Season, UCCE Newsletter.

  • Fichtner, E. 2021. Spring in California walnuts:  budbreak, bloom, and pollination events that start the season. Pacific Nut Producer, UCCE SJV Website.

  • Fichtner, E. (2021). January Walnut Orchard Tasks. Pacific Nut Producer.
  • Fichtner, E. 2020. UCCE extension and education efforts continue unimpeded during pandemic. Tulare County Farm Bureau Newsletter.

  • Torres, G., Fichtner, E. 2020. Chemical and biological control of nematodes affecting grapes in the San Joaquin Valley. Progressive Crop Consultant Trade Magazine.

  • Fichtner, E.J., and Lampinen, B. 2020. How does walnut bud break and shoot elongation differ from pistachio and almond?. West Coast Nut Magazine; UCCE SJV Website.

  • Fichtner, E.J., Culumber, M., Lampinen, B. 2020. Almond bloom intensity may be affected by prior year’s irrigation practices and diseases. West Coast Nut Magazine; UCCE SJV Website.

  • Culumber, C.M., Lampinen, B., Fichtner, E., Gordon, P., Jarvis-Shean, K., Ferguson,L., Metcalf, S., Contador, L., Syverson, D., Nguyen, T. 2021. Evaluation of new training system approaches for pistachio. American Society for Horticultural Sciences. Denver, CO (talk).

  • Lampinen, B., Culumber, M., Gordon, P., Ferguson, L. 2019. Evaluating new training systems for pistachio. CA Pistachio Research Board Report

  • B. Lampinen, K. Aram, K. Arnold, R. Buchner, J. Caprile, M. Culumber, R. Elkins, E. Fichtner,  A. Fulton, P. Gordon, J. Grant, J. Hasey, B.Holtz, D. Lightle, K. Jarvis-Shean, M. Nouri, M. Yaghmour, G. Browne, C. Leslie, S. Metcalf, M. Contador, and T. Nguyen. 2019. Walnut orchard management:  pilot projects, field testing, adaptive research and problem solving by CE. Farm Advisors and Specialists. Walnut Research Reports.

  • Fichtner, E.J., Pratt, B., and Lampinen, B. 2019. High resolution X-ray computed tomography (HRCT) utilized for imaging of compound buds, catkins and nuts of Juglans regia (English walnut) Walnut Research Reports.

  • Westphal., A., Jarvis-Shean, K., Fichtner, E., and Milliron, L. 2019. Pre- and post-plant remedies for nematode infestations of walnut orchards. Walnut Research Reports

  • Michailides, T., Fichtner, E.J., Lightle, D. 2019. The call of the wild: taming the sleeping dragon, Bot on walnut. West Coast Nut. August 2019.

  • E. Fichtner and B. Lampinen. 2019. Maximizing walnut quality to improve value in a low-price year. UCCE Sacramento Valley News, UCCE In a Nutshell, West Coast Nut Magazine.

  • Fichtner, E.J. 2018. Crown gall on walnuts: assessing origin of infection, disease management and prevention. UCCE Newsletter; West Coast Nut Magazine

  • Fichtner, E.J., Culumber, M., Lampinen, B. 2018. Distribution of chlorosis in almond orchards may help assess potential irrigation-related issue. West Coast Nut Magazine, UCCE Newsletter.

  • Fichtner, E.J., Lampinen, B. 2018. The dynamic state of spurs in almond. West Coast Nut Magazine, UCCE Newsletter.

  • Fichtner, E.J., Lampinen, B. 2018. Understanding seasonal vegetative growth on almond. West Coast Nut Magazine, UCCE Newsletter.

  • Randall, J.J., Kallsen, C.E., Fichtner, E.J., Heerema, R.J., Francis, I.M. 2018. Pistachio Bushy Top Syndrome and Rhodococcus Sp. 1 and 2: Where the Rubber meets the Road. Pacific Nut Producer.

  • Douhan, G. W., Fichtner, E.J., Grafton-Cardwell, E. E., Christiano, R. 2017. Citrus Research Board and UC ANR bolster research facilities at Lindcove. Citrograph.; Citrus Research Board periodical.

  • Fichtner, E.J., Ferguson, L., Mahvelati, N.M., Zhang, Lu. 2017. Pistachio nut phenology studies in California address crop development as a function of heat unit accumulation. West Coast Nut Magazine; UCCE Newsletter.

  • M. Yaghmour, E. Fichtner. 2017. Thousand Cankers Disease of Walnuts: An Overview. West Coast Nut Magazine.

  • Fichtner, E.J. 2017. Recent advances in understanding the history of olive domestication. Topics in Subtropics Newsletter and Blog. Summer 2017.

  • Fichtner, E.J. and Lampinen, B. 2016. Symptoms of foliar chlorosis on Tulare County walnuts indicative of over-irrigation. UCCE Nut Newsletter, June 2016.

  • Fichtner, E.J. 2016. The 2016 pistachio bloom: chilling hour accumulation, anticipated bloom time, and pollination. West Coast Nut Grower.

  • Fichtner, E.J. Baldwin, R. 2016. March Walnut Orchard Tasks. Pacific Nut Producer, March 2016.

  • Fichtner, E.; Lovatt, C. (2014). Advances in mitigation of alternate bearing of olive: vegetative growth response to plant growth regulators. Olive Extension Newsletter. Spring 2014.
  • Fichtner, E.; Kasun, G.; DeBuse, C.; Krueger, W.; Kirkpatrick, W. (2014). Dynamics of Pseudomonas savastanoi populations in galls and on leaves of olive in California. American Phytopathological Society, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Fichtner, E. (2014). Emerging diseases threaten walnuts. Western Fruit Grower. April 2014.
  • Fichtner, E.; Seybold, S. (2014). Monitoring walnut twig beetle activity in the southern San Joaquin Valley During: October 2012-December 2014. Walnut Research Reports.
  • Burks, C.; Fichtner, E.; Anderson, K. (2014). Navel orangeworm in walnuts: monitoring and management. Walnut Research Reports.
  • Fichtner, E.; Lightle, D.; Krugner, R. (2014). Olive "quick decline" in Italy is associated with Xylella fastidiosa, a plant pathogenic bacterium also associated with California olives. CAPCA Advisor. October 2014.
  • Fichtner, E.; Lightle, D. (2014). Olive "Quick Decline" in southern Italy may be associated with pathogen common in California. West Coast Olive Grower Guide. May 2014.
  • Fichtner, E.; Lightle, D.; Krugner, R. (2014). Olive "Quick Decline" in southern Italy may be associated with pathogen common to California. Topics in Subtropics Blog and Newsletter. April 2014.
  • Fichtner, E.; Lovatt, C. (2013). Advances in mitigation of alternate bearing of olive: vegetative growth response to plant growth regulators. Topics in Subtropics Newsletter and Blog. December 2013.
  • Fichtner, E.; Lovatt, C. (2013). Advances in mitigation of alternate bearing of olive: vegetative growth response to plant growth regulators. West Coast Olive Guide. December 2013.
  • Fichtner, E. (2013). Innovative progress on the mechanical harvest of California table olives. UC Delivers. August 2013.
  • Fichtner, E.; Browne, G.; Bhat, R. (2013). Lethal paradox canker continues to emerge in southern San Joaquin Valley orchards. West Coast Nut Guide. December 2013.
  • Fichtner, E.; Browne, G.; Bhat, R. (2013). Lethal paradox canker continues to emerge in southern San Joaquin Valley orchards. Nut Extension Newsletter. December 2013.
  • Burks, C.; Fichtner, E.; Pickel, C. (2013). Navel orangeworm in southern central valley walnuts: source, seasonal abundance, and impact of mating disruption. Walnut Research Reports.
  • Fichtner, E.; Lovatt, C. (2013). Olive tree phenology: The relationship of fruit load to vegetative growth and return bloom. Topics in Subtropics Newsletter and Blog. October 2013.
  • Fichtner, E. (2013). Thousand Caners Disease Now in three east coast states. West Coast Nut Guide. October 2012.
  • Hanson, B.; Watkins, S.; Sosnoskie, L.; Hasey, J.; Doll, D/; Fichtner, E.; Moretti, M.; Johnson, A. (2013). Walnut weed control research and extension: herbicide efficacy, crop safety, and glyphosate-resistant weed management in Central Valley walnut orchards (13CWB11). Walnut Research Reports.
  • Fichtner, E.; Wilson, K.; Seybold, S. (2013). Woodpiles are reservoir for walnut twig beetle. West Coast Nut Guide. December 2013.
  • Fichtner, E.; Wilson, K.; Seybold, S. (2013). Woodpiles are reservoir for walnut twig beetle. Nut Extension Newsletter. December 2013.
  • Fichtner, E.; Krueger, W. (2012). A large olive crop may benefit from chemical thinning. West Coast Olive Guide. July/August 2012.
  • Fichtner, E.; Krueger, W. (2012). A large olive crop may benefit from chemical thinning. Olive Extension Newsletter. May 2012.
  • Ferguson, L.; Wilson, K.; Lovatt, C. (2012). Alternate bearing in olive. West Coast Olive Guide. May/June 2012.
  • Elkins, R.; Fichtner, E. (2012). Causes and control of lime-induced Fe deficiency in California fruit and nut crops. CAPCA (California Association of Pest Control Advisers) Advisor. August 2012.
  • Fichtner, E.; Krueger, W. (2012). Chemical thinning of olives. Subtropics Extension Newsletter. January 2012.
  • Ferguson, L.; Miles, J.; Rosa, U.; Castro Garcia, S.; Krueger, W.; Fichtner, E.; O'Connell, N.; Vossen, P. (2012). Developing mechanical harvesting for California black ripe table olives. West Coast Olive Guide. July/August 2012.
  • Browne, G.; Bhat, R.; Schmidt, L.; Leslie, C.; Michailides, T.; Hackett, W.; Robinson, R.; Kluepfel, D.; Aradhya, M.; Beede, B.; Buchner, R.; Connell, J.; Fichtner, E.; Grant, J.; Hasey, J. (2012). Etiology and management of crown and root rots of walnut. Walnut Research Reports.
  • Krueger, W.; Niederholzer, F.; Fichtner, E. (2012). Investigation of pruning strategies for dried plums including hand, mechanical, and combinations. X International Symposium Plum and Prune Genetics, Breeding, and Pomology, Davis, CA.
  • Fichtner, E.; Elkins, R. (2012). Lime-Induced Iron Chlorosis: A Problem in Prunes and Other Fruit and Nut Crops. Prune Extension Newsletter. August 2012.
  • Fichtner, E.; Elkins, R. (2012). Lime-induced Iron Chlorosis: a nutritional challenge in the culture of several subtropical perennial crops in California. Subtropics Extension Newsletter. August 2012.
  • Michailides, T.; Chen, S.; Coates, B.; Morgan, D.; Puckett, R.; Hasey, J.; Anderson, K.; Buchner, R.; DeBuse, C.; Fichtner, E.; Bentley, W. (2012). Managing anthracnose blight and Botryosphaeria and Phomopsis cankers of walnut, Part 1: Botryosphaeriaceae and Phomopsis cankers of walnut. Walnut Research Reports.
  • Fichtner, E. (2012). Maximizing Canopy Light Interception Increases Yield in Prune Orchards. Prune Extension Newsletter. August 2012.
  • Ferguson, L.; Miles, J.; Rosa, U.; Castro Garcia, S.; Fichtner, E.; Krueger, W.; Guinard, J.; Lee, S.; Glozer, K.; Cristoso, C.; Burns, J.; Blanco-Roldán, G.; Gil-Ribes, J. (2012). Mechanical harvesting of table olives: California and Spain. VII International Symposium on Olive Growing, Argentina.
  • Fichtner, E. (2012). Mechanical Pruning of Tulare County Dried Plums. California Dried Plum Board Research Reports.
  • Fichtner, E. (2012). Monitoring walnut twig beetle activity in the southern San Joaquin Valley: October 2011-October 2012. Walnut Research Reports.
  • Burks, C.; Fichtner, E.; Goldman Smith, S.; Pickel, C. (2012). Navel orangeworm in southern central valley walnuts: source, seasonal abundance, and impact of mating disruption. Walnut Research Reports.
  • Fichtner, E. (2012). Olive Bloom and Pollination. Olive Extension Newsletter. May 2012.
  • Fichtner, E.; Lovatt, C. (2012). Research Advances on Mitigation of Alternate Bearing in Olive. Topics in Subtropics Newsletter and Blog. December 2012.
  • Fichtner, E.; Wilson, K.; Burks, C. (2012). Research advances on the application of pheromone mating disruption for management of Navel Orangeworm on walnut. Nut Extension Newsletter. September 2012.
  • Fichtner, E.; Wilson, K.; Burks, C. (2012). Research advances on the application of pheromone mating disruption for management of Navel Orangeworm on walnutThousand Caners Disease Now in three east coast states. West Coast Nut Guide.
  • Lee, S.; Sirimuangmoon, C.; Kitsawad, K.; Rosa, U.; Burns, J.; Krueger, W.; Fichtner, E.; Ferguson, L.; Guinard, J. (2012). Sensory characteristics and consumer acceptance of mechanically (canopy-contact harvester) harvested California black ripe olives. International Symposium on Mechanical Harvesting and Handling Systems of Fruits and Nuts, Lake Alfred, Florida.
  • Fichtner, E. (2012). Thousand cankers disease attacks commercial walnut in California. UC Delivers. August 2012.
  • Fichtner, E. (2012). Thousand cankers disease now in three east coast states. Nut Extension Newsletter. September 2012.
  • Fichtner, E.; Wilson, K.; Lovatt, C. (2012). Understanding alternate bearing in olives. Olive Extension Newsletter. August 2012.
  • Fichtner, E.; Kasun, G.; DeBuse, C.; Krueger, W.; Kirkpatrick, B. (2012). Use of film-forming polymers for management of olive knot disease. Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society, Providence, RI.
  • Fichtner, E.; Bentley, W. (2012). Walnut Husk Fly: An emerging pest in the southern San Joaquin Valley. West Coast Nut Guide. May 2012.
  • Fichtner, E.; Hasey, J. (2012). What should PCAs know about Thousand Cankers Disease in California? CAPCA Advisor. August 2011.
  • Fichtner, E. (2011). Association of Tenlined June Beetle with Crown Gall in a Tulare County Walnut Orchard. Walnut Research Reports.
  • Fichtner, E. (2011). Chemical Thinning of Olives. The Olive: The California Resource Guide. August 2011.
  • Fichtner, E. (2011). Coyote damage in orchards. Extension Newsletter. April 2011.
  • Klonsky, K.; Livingston, P.; DeMoura, R.; Rosa, U.; Miles, J.; Castro Garcia, S.; Fichtner, E.; Guinard, J.; Lee, S.; Glozer, K.; Cristoso, C.; Burns, J.; Ferguson, L. (2011). Economics and mechanically harvesting California black ripe table olives. International Symposium on Mechanical Harvesting and Handling Systems of Fruits and Nuts, Lake Alfred, Florida.
  • Ferguson, L.; Rosa, U.; Castro Garcia, S.; Fichtner, E.; Krueger, W.; Guinard, J.; Lee, S.; Glozer, K.; Cristoso, C.; Burns, J.; Miles, J. (2011). Improving canopy contact olive harvester efficiency with mechanical pruning. International Symposium on Mechanical Harvesting and Handling Systems of Fruits and Nuts, Lake Alfred, Florida.
  • Fichtner, E. (2011). Measurement of Tenlined june beetle activity in soil. Research Report to the Almond Board of California.
  • Fichtner, E.; DeBuse, C.; Niederholzer, F.; Krueger, W. (2011). "Mechanical pruning of ‘French’ prune (Prunus domestica) in California's southern San Joaquin Valley." HortScience 45: S248.
  • Fichtner, E. (2011). Mechanical Pruning of Tulare County Dried Plums. California Dried Plum Board Research Reports.
  • Fichtner, E. (2011). Monitoring walnut twig beetle activity in the southern San Joaquin Valley. Walnut Research Reports.
  • Fichtner, E. (2011). Need to manage black scale on olives? The Olive: The California Resource Guide. August 2011.
  • Fichtner, E. (2011). Seasonal development of olive (Olea europaea L.). Extension Newsletter. March 2011.
  • Fichtner, E. (2011). Seasonal development of olive (Olea europaea L.). The Olive: The California Resource Guide. August 2011.
  • Lee, S.; Sirimuangmoon, C.; Rodriguez-Barbero, A.; Kitsawad, K.; Rosa, U.; Burns, J.; Krueger, W.; Fichtner, E.; Ferguson, L.; Guinard, J. (2011). Sensory characteristics and consumer acceptance of mechanically harvested California black ripe olives. International Symposium on Mechanical Harvesting and Handling Systems of Fruits and Nuts, Lake Alfred, Florida.
  • Fichtner, E. (2011). Spring rainfall necessitates a watch for olive knot. The Olive: The California Resource Guide. August 2011.
  • Fichtner, E.; DeBuse, C. (2011). Verticillium Wilt in Olives. Olive Extension Newsletter. March 2011.
  • Fichtner, E.; DeBuse, C. (2011). Verticillium Wilt in Olives. The Olive: The California Resource Guide. Olive Growers Council of California. August 2011.
  • Fichtner, E.; Bentley, W. (2011). Walnut Husk Fly: an emerging pest in the southern San Joaquin Valley. Extension Newsletter. June 2011.
  • Fichtner, E. (2011). Will incorporation of mechanical pruning influence yield and size of prunes? Extension Newsletter. September 2011.
  • Fichtner, E. (2010). Chemical Thinning of Olives. Olive Extension Newsletter. April 2010.
  • Fichtner, E. (2010). Mechanical pruning trial on Tulare County Prunes. Extension Newsletter. September 2010.
  • Fichtner, E. (2010). Need to manage black scale on olives? Extension Newsletter. July 2010.
  • Fichtner, E. (2010). Spring rainfall necessitates a watch for olive knot. Extension Newsletter. April 2010.
  • Ferguson, L.; Rosa, U.; Castro Garcia, S.; Lee, S.; Guinard, J.; Krueger, W.; Burns, J.; Garcia, M.; O'Connell, N.; Glozer, K.; Fichtner, E. (2010). "The mechanical harvesting of California black ripe table olives Olea europaea Cv. Manzanillo." HortScience 44: 1110.
  • Fichtner, E. (2010). Thousand cankers disease on walnut: Tulare County Update. Extension Newsletter. August 2010.
  • Fichtner, E.; Rizzo, D.; Kirk, S.; Webber, J. (2009). "Epidemiology of Phytophthora kernoviae in UK woodlands and heathland and risk to North American forests." Phytopathology 99: S35.
  • Swiecki, T.; Bernhardt, E.; Garbelotto, M.; Fichtner, E. (2009). The exotic plant pathogen Phytophthora cinamomi: a major threat to rare Arctostaphylos and much more. California Native Plants Society Conservation Conference, Sacramento, CA.
  • Fichtner, E.; Rizzo, D.; Kirk, S.; Whybrow, A.; Webber, J. (2008). "Root infections of Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae in UK woodlands." Phytopathology 98: S53.
  • Parke, J.; Oguchi, A.; Fichtner, E.; Rizzo, D. (2008). "Viability of Phytophthora ramorumafter passage through slugs." Phytopathology 98: S121.
  • Ireland, K.; Hüberli, D.; Dell, B.; Smith, I.; Fichtner, E.; Rizzo, D.; Hardy, G. (2007). Hidden Agenda: asymptomatic infection and sporulation by Phytophthora ramorum, a serious threat to Australian biodiversity. Cooperative Research Centre National Plant Biosecurity, Australia.
  • Fichtner, E.; Rizzo, D.; Kirk, S.; Whybrow, A.; Webber, J. (2007). Root associations of Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae in UK Woodlands. Fourth Workshop of IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) Working Party, Phytophthora in Forests and Natural Ecosystems, Monterey, CA.
  • Fichtner, E.; Rizzo, D.; Lynch, S.; Davidson, J.; Buckles, G.; Parke, J. (2007). Summer survival of Phytophthora ramorum in California bay laurel leaves. SOD (Sudden Oak Death) Science Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA.
  • Fichtner, E.; Rizzo, D.; Lynch, S.; Davidson, J.; Buckles, G.; Parke, J. (2007). "Summer survival of Phytophthora ramorum in California forests." Phytopathology 97: S36.
  • Fichtner, E.; Rizzo, D.; Shew, H. (2007). Suppression of Phytophthora ramorum in aluminum-amended peatmoss. SOD (Sudden Oak Death) Science Symposium, Santa Rosa, CA.
  • Fichtner, E.; Rizzo, D.; Lynch, S.; Davidson, J.; Buckles, G.; Parke, J. (2007). Survival and chlamydospore production of Phytophthora ramorum in California bay laurel leaves. Fourth Workshop of IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) Working Party, Phytophthora in Forests and Natural Ecosystems.
  • Dileo, M.; Fichtner, E.; Bostock, R.; Rizzo, D. (2006). "Effects of water potential on the growth and survival of Phytophthora ramorum." Phytopathology 96: S30.
  • Fichtner, E.; Lynch, S.; Rizzo, D. (2006). "Evidence of dormancy and soil-mediated suppression of Phytophthora ramorum in a California redwood-tanoak forest." Phytopathology 96: S35-S36.
  • Fichtner, E.; Lynch, S.; Rizzo, D. (2006). Survival and reproduction of Phytophthora ramorum in forest soils. World Congress of Soil Science: Frontiers of Soil Science, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Fichtner, E.; Lynch, S.; Rizzo, D. (2005). Detection and distribution of Phytophthora ramorum in redwood-tanoak forest community soils. SOD (Sudden Oak Death Science Symposium, Monterey, CA.
  • Tjosvold, S.; Chambers, D.; Koike, S.; Fichtner, E. (2005). Epidemiology of Phytophthora ramorum infecting rhododendrons under simulated nursery conditions. SOD (Sudden Oak Death) Science Symposium, Monterey, CA.
  • Davidson, J.; Fichtner, E.; Patterson, H.; Falk, K.; Rizzo, D. (2005). Mechanisms underlying differences in inoculum production by Phytophthora ramorum in mixed-evergreen versus tanoak-redwood forest in California. SOD (Sudden Oak Death) Science Symposium, Monterey, CA.
  • Fichtner, E.; Lynch, S.; Rizzo, D. (2005). "Summer and winter survival of Phytophthora ramorum in soils." Phytopathology 95: S29.
  • Fichtner, E.; Lynch, S.; Rizzo, D. (2005). Summer survival of Phytophthora ramorum in forest soils. SOD (Sudden Oak Death) Science Symposium, Monterey, CA.
  • Fichtner, E.; Lynch, S.; Rizzo, D. (2004). Survival of Phytophthora ramorum in infected leaf tissue at the soil surface in a tanoak-redwood forest. Third Workshop of IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) Working Party, Phytophthora in Forests and Natural Ecosystems.
  • Fichtner, E.; Shew, H. (2003). Differential sensitivity of plant pathogens to monomeric Al species. American Phytopathological Society, Charlotte, NC.
  • Fichtner, E.; Benson, D.; Diab, H.; Shew, H. (2003). Suppression of Phytophthora parasitica in composted swine waste. American Phytopathological Society, Charlotte, NC.
  • Fichtner, E.; Shew, H.; Hesterberg, D. (2002). Characterization of aluminum species toxicity to soilborne plant pathogenic fungi. Plant Pathology Society of North Carolina.
  • Hennis, M.; Fichtner, E.; Shew, H. (2002). In vitro toxicity of aluminum to Phytophthora parasitica and Thielaviopsis basicola. Plant Pathology Society of North Carolina.
  • Fichtner, E.; Hoyt, J.; Mitchell, T.; Dean, R.; Wojnowski, B.; Cleveland, A. (2002). Relating Genetics to Everyday Life: K12 Outreach in Fungal Genomics. Plant Pathology Society of North Carolina.
  • Fichtner, E.; Shew, H.; Hesterberg, D. (2001). Characterization of aluminum species toxicity to soilborne plant pathogenic fungi. Soil Science Society of America, Charlotte, NC.
  • Fichtner, E.; Shew, H. (2000). Chemical and physical suppression of Phytophthora parasitica in peat containing organically complexed aluminum. PPSNC (Plant Pathology Society of North Carolina) and 2000 APS (American Phytopathological Society), New Orleans, LA.
  • Fichtner, E.; Shew, H.; Hesterberg, D. (1999). Organic complexation and chelation of aluminum for suppression of soilborne fungal pathogens. American Society of Agronomy, Quebec.
  • Fichtner, E.; Shew, H.; Hesterberg, D. (1999). Suppression of Phytophthora parasitica in composted swine waste. American Phytopathological Society, Quebec, Canada.
  • Buck, L.; Fichtner, E.; Beyfuss, R. (1995). Forest Farming: High value understory and edible tree crops for integrated production systems. American Society of Agronomy (Poster), St. Louis, MO.

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